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Email: mail@union-mould.com

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UNION welcome the talents to join our team, work with us for a bright future together.


1. Sales Manager

  This position is an important role to exploit the business market.

The applicant must with competence of self-motion, team-work, good English or foreign language, good project management skill, good communication capability.

2. Sales clerk
  This position is an basic role to exploit the business market.

The applicant must with understand how about and how for sales.

team-work, good English or foreign language, and good communication capability.

3. Mold Engineer
  This position is an role for monitoring the project run.

The applicant must being with knowledge of mould, molding and production quality control.

skill with Pro/E, autocad, microsoft...

4. Partner or Business consultant.
  This is an inquiry for the party who have interest to work with UNION as pertner or consultant.

let us know your proposal, then we can make a deal after discussion.

  Contact us with mail@union-mould.com

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